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Your Warrior Pose: Your Security Key to Success !


Some years ago, my job location changed and I was advised that when entering or leaving the area I needed to adopt a warrior pose. Yes, I needed to don a fight stance as this would help to deter attackers. I soon came to realize that a warrior pose is much more than physical security; it’s a way of life! Your warrior pose is important in many aspects of your life, so it’s essential that you adopt the right stance inorder to tackle your work-life challenges.

Positive, assertive behavior shows self-confidence. Pose in your confidence! You are responsible for your initiations and the consequences. Work thru issues with self-confidence knowing that the results will enhance your life and the lives of those with whom you come in contact.  Walk boldly and leave positive footprints!


You may remember 9/11 and the passengers of flight 93. Lest you forgot, they were warriors! Their bravery changed the trajectory of the high-jacked plane and saved many lives. The passengers were able to understand their individual needs and the needs of the others on the plane and in a moment became one united force. They channeled their inner warrior into positive action!

Practice your “needs literacy”; you have a moral obligation to understand your needs and the needs of others. Be open and  clear about your needs, embrace them and express them soundly!  Of course there will be times when you feel frustrated and unmotivated but… stand tall, don your warrior pose!  Your positive response to life situations will be the key to your success! Remember… be APT!

Your Warrior Pose Key Success Stretching on mountain

Fun Support:

  • Book – Breathing For Warriors by Dr. Belisa Vranich
  • Book – Walkabout by James V. Marshall. A story about survival and friendship…timeless!
  • Movie – Tyler Perry’s Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Drama surrounds a wife who had only two options; to fight or to flee. Which option did she choose? Enjoy…I did!

T’s tip: Your strength lies in your pose!

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  1. Everton

    Warrior indeed is what the current conditions of life demand of us.

    • T

      Thanks for sharing Everton!

  2. Leonie Bloise-Bloomfield

    Profound! Thanks you!

    • T

      You are welcome Leonie!

  3. Giovanni

    We will evolves through growth of being a warrior. Gio

    • T

      Your feedback is important to the community Giovanni, thank you!

  4. Amber Myers

    I will keep this in mind. I do want to be more warrior like at times. If I randomly did the pose throughout the day, my kids would wonder if I had been drinking though.

    • T

      Hi Amber… modify your pose to suit you, its just a yoga image to support my post. Thanks for sharing!


    We all need to be warriors these days just to get through life. It does get harder.

    • T

      Yes it does, but we are strong when we ae united. Thank you Melanie!

  6. Tara Pittman

    I have to start thinking this way. I need to think strong and powerful to be sucessful.

    • T

      It a matter of survival. Thank you for sharing Tara!

  7. Gervin Khan

    Great advice and I will definitely keep this in mind.
    We need to be a warrior not only for today but for a lifetime.

    • T

      Yes, everyday our strength is called into action. Thank you Gervin!

  8. Terri Steffes

    I actually found inspiration in your comment to Amber. Adapt the pose to your need. I LOVE THAT.

    • T

      Hey Terri! Yes everyday is different so we need to adapt and adjust. Thanks for your feedback.

  9. Beth Pierce

    We can learn so much from your post. Being a warrior is courage above all things, especially in this difficult time.

    • T

      Hi Beth! Yes, courage and perseverance walk together. Thanks for your kind comment.

  10. Kathy

    This is all so great. I learned a lot. I’m going to have to check out those two books and the movie as well.

    • T

      Thanks for the feedback Kathy!

  11. Beth

    My daughter teaches high school in Brooklyn. An administrator taught her to stand in a way that would encourage her students to respect her. I guess that is her warrior pose.

    • T

      Hi Beth! Yes, she has to show her strength that she is in charge. High school today is not the same as high school 10-15 years ago. I wish your daughter great success.

  12. Emman Damian

    We need to be inspired by this post! We can do this! Very timely indeed!

    • T

      Yes we can Emman! Thank you for your feedback.

  13. Marysa

    It is nice to call on that inner strength and approach life with a positive perspective.

    • T

      Marysa, thanks for your feedback!

  14. Lynndee

    A warrior pose…never thought of that. Thank you for the tips and the great advice.

    • T

      You are welcome Lynndee!

  15. Melissa Cushing

    LLOving this post and indeed we all have a warrior within ourselves that needs to be unleashed 😉

    • T

      Melissa,I believe we all do! Thank you for your feedback.

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