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The 9-5: How To Build A Rich Life Beyond Work

Many people who look for contentment and happiness outside of their professional roles might relate to the statement “I am more than my 9–5 job“. The 9-5.

When your workday ends, are you content? Do you feel like you made an impact at the end of the day? Do you dread getting into work in the morning or do you look forward to it? The well-known – and perhaps humorous- adage, “If only I could win the lotto,” raises the question of whether or not we are truly content with our lives and circumstances.

From the daily concerns and feedback of peers and travel companions, I came to the conclusion that people in general are not satisfied with their 9-5. However, life requires people to work inorder to take care of their financial obligations such as paying a mortgage or child’s college cost. To put it plainly, one has to work to survive!

These are a few tips that may help support your 9-5, lessen the risk of burnout and increase your happiness level.

1. Identity and Purpose: Your work should not be the only thing that defines you. Although a person’s work can play a big role in establishing who they are, it shouldn’t be the only thing that does. People’s sense of self and purpose are often shaped by their relationships, passions, hobbies, and personal objectives.

2. Work-Life Balance: Maintaining a balance between your personal and professional life is an important aspect of life. Participating in activities outside of work such as volunteering, pursuing hobbies, or spending time with loved ones can lead to a more fulfilling life.

3. Personal Growth: Continuous learning and personal development are important and can lead to a better-rounded and fulfilling life.

4. Physical and Mental Health: It’s very important to put your health first; no one else will! Regular exercise, the practice of mindfulness, and enough sleep improve overall wellbeing and prevent burnout.

5. Creativity and Passion Projects: It’s possible to find contentment and a sense of achievement in passion projects or creative activities that you can’t get in a typical career. This could also lead to new opportunities on the professional and personal fronts.

6. Community and Relationships: Building and maintaining strong relationships with friends, family, and neighbors is important. These connections provide enjoyment, support, and a sense of belonging.

7. Mindfulness and Reflection: Spending some time to think about what matters most may make it easier for you to link your actions with personal goals and values. This reflection may give your life more meaning and purpose.

In the end, living a more meaningful, peaceful, and contented life may come from understanding that one’s identity and value are multilayered. Do not just be your 9-5, be everything you ever wanted to be!

9-5 A mature man laughing with arms raised in a celebratory fashion

T’s Tip: Become the author of your own story; don’t let anyone else write it for you. We all carry a vast amount of untapped stories that are simply waiting to be discovered. Write it, chapter by chapter, page by page!

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1 Comment

  1. Marvis Mathis

    I did my best to make sure that I gave my all at the end of each work day. This helped me to maintain peace throughout the evening. Very important!

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