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control chaos hope success highway interchange


My bus ride to work takes me on a highway interchange with an extremely high over-pass. Looking down from the over-pass, there is the feeling of fear coupled with an appreciation for the scene below. It’s a maze of colorful vehicles of different shapes and sizes.  I am awed by the inter-looping that allows motorists to travel to their different destinations. Yes, from high above it looks chaotic but it is controlled chaos. The roads intricate design allows drivers to navigate the roadway safely; enter and exit without harm. Our hope for safely navigating these highways lies in the genius of mankind; the hope that supports our desire to get from point A to point B safe and sound.

Now, take another look at a major highway interchange…what do you see?


Sometimes, the chaos lies in our subconscious self and not in the present moment. If allowed to stay it clouds your vision, so focus on something that’s calm and ground yourself! Yes, it requires a new mindset, new preparation to succeed in life’s interchange. Clear your mind and allow the impossible to become the possible! The suggested activities in my post may help you stay focused.

person jumping over the word impossible


“Hope and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Invite one to stay.”

Maya angelou

 When a sibling had to undergo brain surgery, it was traumatic and it created chaos. Yes, there was great fear, but there was also great hope. Our hope was stronger and more powerful! We leaned on our support system of family and friends, built an interchange with hope and together we walked the highway to her successful recovery. Remember, hope rides with you in the car to work, hope is by your side as you work, hope goes to bed with you after a long day at work and like the perpetual clock hope returns the next day. With hope can you fail?  Yes, you may falter along the way but failure should not be an option when hope rides with you!

Support Activity: Check out CBS Sunday Morning‘s interview with Huma Abedin (Former aide to Hilary Clinton) which aired on 10/31/21. She exhibits great strength, faith and hope as she details how she survived the public chaos in both her personal and political life. It’s a very impactful and profound conversation.

T’s Tip: Look beyond the chaos with the hope to succeed! Connect with us @

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  1. Everton

    Well said.

    • T

      Thank you Everton!

  2. Giovanni

    Very informative!

    • T

      Thanks for the feedback Giovanni!

  3. Leonie Bloise-Bloomfield

    A very enlightening article.

    • T

      Leonie, your feedback is important to the community. Thank you!

  4. Genevieve

    Wow this is such a great visual of what the inside of my mind can look like. I have to make a better effort to continue to invite hope and kick out fear! Thank you so much for sharing, truly great article.

    • T

      Genevieve, Thanks for your positive feedback its truly a motivator!

  5. Risa Lopez

    Let the impossible be possible, I love this quote. I also use this to motivate and cheer myself up! This article is very impressive 🙂

    • T

      Risa, your feedback brings me joy, thank you!

  6. Emman Damian

    Sometimes we just need to make the impossible as possible. If we put our dedication to it, it will happen!

    • T

      Emman, I appreciate your feedback!

  7. Sol

    This is so motivating, reading this makes me inspired and more hopeful!

    • T

      Sol, thanks for reading my blog and sharing your feedback.

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