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mlk opportunity for change shaking hands

We celebrate Dr. Martin Luther King Day (MLK)! It has been many years since the death of Dr. Martin Luther King (Jr.) but his message of freedom and change still resonates with many around the world today.

“If I cannot do great things, I can do small things in a great way”

Martin Luther King Jr.

When will we be able to truly say that we are Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last.”- MLK ? Freedom means accepting diversity and our differences, regardless of who we are, big or small, black or white. Freedom is the coming together to work as one united force, to embrace each other with love and to nurture the hope that we will make tomorrow a better place for our children. Change will begin when each of us act. Let the change begin with you, steady your moral compass and let the change continue with you. Let the impossible become the possible!

Let’s fulfill Dr. King’s dream and do the small thing in a great way by teaching our children to rise to occasions where they will make positive change. Let’s fulfill Dr. Kings dream by teaching our children to recognize their moral fortitude and help them to become the next generation of substantive leaders who will accept accountability for their actions and lead with empathy and compassion.

Let us never give up! (Video). Let today become a day of reflection and purpose.

Learning Support

Short course offered by the Harvard University that you may find useful…Religion, Conflict and Peace. The free course explores the diverse and complex roles that religions play in both promoting and mitigating violence.

T’s tip: Commit to a new challenge today!

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  1. Monica Simpson

    MLK was such a tremendous leader and I love that his legacy is still teaching young minds today.

    • T

      Monica, he was a great man. thank you for sharing!

  2. Desiree

    Love this post. I completely agree. We all should strive to be the change!


    I couldn’t agree more. We deserve the change we want and need.


    Teaching our children may seem small but we have to remember the great impact we will have when they all come together to create change.

  5. vidya

    Totally agree.. each of us should strive to change (ourselves and the world around us) for the better each day

    • T

      Everyday, act. Thank you Vidya!

  6. Gervin Khan

    I couldn’t agree more. He is such a good man, teaching not only the kids but every person to be united for us to make a change.

    • T

      Yes, he was a good man. Thank you Gervin!

  7. karla k

    “Change will begin when each of us act.” This is hard for me sometimes because I don’t know where to start. For now, I have decided to begin by teaching my kids.

    • T

      Hi Karla, your children is a great place to start, they will one day teach their children how to act. Thank you for sharing!

  8. Marysa

    We should all focus on make changes for the better. This is a good reminder and wonderful words.

    • T

      Thank you Marysa!

  9. Briana Baker

    YES! Everyday a small thing can change everything! A smile can make someone’s day. Every small step in the right direction leads to big things!

    • T

      Briana, thank you for your feedback!

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