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Category: Uncategorized (Page 12 of 12)

The College Student – Start Early and Realize Awesome Success

This article was contributed by a recent graduate. It details his perspective on the early resume building I mentioned in my first blog and his actual job search.  


In the first blog, my mom’s advice to parents was to start preparing their children’s resume as early as possible. Let’s dive in a little deeper on that topic!  Yes… “T” is my mom!

The initial concept was driven by my mom, who not only built my resume initially, but also encouraged me to continue to add my achievements as they happened. What was the result of this deliberate early action? I learned what a good resume should include and how to build on it; and I was able to see progress as I got older which served as great motivation to be a better student and public servant.

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Connect With Us – Empower Your Job Hunt

unemployed executive seeks new job

How many times have you heard the phrase “Looking for a job is a job itself?” Well I can attest to that! It’s a full time effort to job hunt, its time consuming and it’s hard! No one will tell you how hard it is; they will give you a list of websites and tell you to let them know how you fare out. Yes, that’s right you are now on your own!

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