Goodbye Pandemic
We are healing; we are on the road to recovery! Many months ago the road to recovery may have appeared long and dark, but in every gloomy place the sun does shine! Going back to work in an office, away from the confines of your home environment, will require a high level of emotional correctness. You should project kindness and empathy towards others. There is success in kindness!
Many people are still wary of going back to work in an office , to be confined in a space with others for long periods. Of course there will be changes, for example, the bus route may have changed and there are now fewer ride options, and you may need to wear a mask all day! Yes, you guessed it…I am back in the office and working with the changes! Hey, you survived the pandemic so you will survive a new bus route!
You should exercise patience and understanding to allow the re-assimilation to occur. You may have been fortunate to have avoided the ravages of the virus however; there were many who were personally affected or lost family members and friends. Although you may not have been directly affected, you may have been catapulted into an arena of loss and sadness due to the high number of virus-related deaths nationally.
For those who lead don’t be scripted, be empathetic first then lead, this will demonstrate your emotional correctness. For many, returning to the office may seem like an attempt to cross a minefield but with care and respect for each other the explosions will not be disruptive. Returning to an office may be stressful for some so connect and engage with your team!
Tips for your re-entry:
- Maintain the pandemic safety protocols
- Make positive comments to others
- Prepare for your return as if it’s the first day of a new job; research transportation options and arrive early
- Increase your “internal jogging”, laugh—it will help you get through the difficult moments
- Use open gestures, such as a smile, to let others know you care
- Time is precious; be mindful, use your time to realize the best results
T’s tip: Find your Bonheur…everyone should have some!
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Great points and suggestions Lorraine. Defining the new normal will be a challenge for most especially those suffering from ‘cave syndrome’. Yes, patience and also meeting folks where they are will help. Good luck to all.
Thanks for sharing Annette!
We can only do our part when it comes to work that matters! God is in control.
Thank you Gio!
Just what I need to motivate me to seek the positives of returning to the workplace . Great blog!
Yes, its challenging but stay motivated to get it done Maureen!
We are being required to reluctantly awake from a long comfortable dream.
Thanks You Everton!
Great suggestions and tips! Definitely will remember to incorporate several.
Tiffany, I am glad you found my post useful. Thank you!
Those are some great positive thoughts, although much hasn’t changed for me since I was working from home even before the pandemic.. so its been easier to adjust.
Aditi, thanks for your feedback.
These are great tips and a much-required awareness and motivation in today’s back-to-work scenario.
Thank you for sharing!