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Empower Your Return to Work (Part 2)

empower your return to work part 2 workspace succulent

“Return to Normal”

Do you recognize me? I certainly don’t recognize many of the people with whom I work!  I can’t tell who they are by only seeing their eyes or the tops of their heads! Do you know I am smiling? My mask hides my smile but I hope it’s reflected in my eyes! We are strangers behind masks!

I don my mask at 6.30am to begin my commute to work and discard my mask upon my return home at 5.30pm.  I can only remove my mask when I am at my desk. Yes, I spend about 11 hours daily wearing a  mask! I breathe a sigh of relief on my return home because I am now free to breathe without a barrier!  It’s uncomfortable wearing a mask all day but it is necessary if I want to live, to survive the pandemic. Now, that’s not “return to normal”, it’s the new normal!

Be kind to yourself! It will take a while to adjust to working again in an office. The level of anxiety is high among many employees. Some people whisper their concerns, some are scared and, some are sad and confused. One morning en-route to my floor another employee joined me in the elevator mid-route and when I inquired as to how he was doing he simply said “I don’t want to be here.” He appeared sad, as if he was about to cry and I assumed the cause of his sadness was having to return to the abnormal…yes, the “return to normal” is not normal! The meeting was momentous, I felt his sadness and wished there was something more I could do other than just wishing him a great day as he exited the elevator.

We must meet our fears head-on inorder to conquer them and it will take a while for some to figure out their re-entry needs. Your mindfulness activity will be your key to “return to normal.”

More tips for your re-entry:

  • Breathe; take deep breaths  when you begin to feel overwhelmed
  • Accept the present moment; be positive, don’t let your fears stop you from achieving your goals
  • Take frequent breaks while working; a 3 minute stand and stretch  will  reset your brain clock and relieve anxiety
  • Eat healthy meals; pack a nutritious lunch, enjoy a mini picnic at your desk
  • Pack a book or your favorite magazine for your commute; it will make the trip appear shorter and you may learn something new

More re-entry tips for Leaders:

  • Be flexible; apply the new normal trend for team members to work remotely or maintain a flex schedule
  • Welcome back team members with a meet-and-greet via Teams or Zoom
  • Recognize that major life changes such as the pandemic, are significant stressors and requires adjustment
  • Lead with compassion; demonstrate empathy

Hey, it’s all about you…Your health, Your wellness, and Your return to work!

T’s tip: “Laughter is an instant vacation”

Milton Berle

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  1. Giovanni

    Returning back to work will take several logistical challenges. All we can do is pray!

    • T

      Thank you for sharing Giovanni!

  2. Leonie Bloise-Bloomfield

    Great read Lor! The new normal is indeed “abnormal”

    • T

      Thanks for sharing Leonie!

  3. mel

    These are some very helpful tips on returning to work, it can be daunting for sure

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