What does wisdom really mean? The Oxford Dictionary defines wisdom as “The quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgment; the quality of being wise.” Gaining Wisdom!
The choice is yours:
Christmas Story – The Three Wise Men

The biblical tale of the Three Wise Men, often called the Three Kings, is frequently retold in religious settings and as a bedtime story for young children during the Christmas season. It has also become a popular Christmas movie. The story describes how the The Three Wise Men found the baby Jesus by following a star and gave him gifts.
They were intrigued by birth of the baby and had to know more so they travelled a great distance to his home. They set out on a mission to learn and understand, and may even have second-guessed their decision over the many days it took to get to their destination, but they persisted in their search to find answers.
Today’s Wise Men – Gaining Wisdom

Similarly, people will go to considerable measures to research and acquire knowledge. Fortunately, today it takes just a few hours to get from one place to another with limited need for pack animals or following a star! Furthermore, the internet literally puts information and learning at our fingertips.
Our pursuit of knowledge and information aids in our ability to manage the intricacies of life and make wise judgments. It is inevitable that people will occasionally make poor choices but this can aid growth.
So, don’t despair if you make a no-so-great decision. Just use it as a learning experience or teachable moment. The wisdom people gain usually come from their experiences, critical thinking, empathy and being willing to learn from both successes and failures. Therefore, one could infer that both good and bad decisions teach us something and help us to become wiser.
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