Hard Time

No, I’m not thinking about imprisonment; instead, I’m thinking about challenging circumstances or ongoing difficulties. Depending on one’s emotional wellness and ability to resolve difficult situations or challenges, a difficult time for one person may not be the same for another. Maintain Motivation.
Happy deals that can help you stay motivated:
I frequently hear the expression “it will work itself out,” and I sometimes become puzzled as to how. One must take some form of action to work it out and get beyond the difficult moment because in many instances problems do not solve themselves. Disregarding a difficult situation won’t make it better or any easier to handle – get past the hard times.
Some common hardships and disappointments people may experience are a bad relationship, financial loss and health problems. While some losses are predictable, others may come as a surprise.
Take Control – Maintain Motivation

The issue will not work itself out unless you take control of the situation and find the solution to work it out – take action.
For instance, balancing the budget is a topic that is frequently covered in the news media and up for debate daily, highlighting circumstances in which a government shutdown becomes probable because of the failure of the parties’ inability to come to a consensus on how to do so. Inevitably, they must act, for the budget to “work itself out. “
The same goes for maintaining control over one’s own personal circumstances in order to prevent feeling overburdened and overwhelmed. Understanding your situation and deciding to act— take corrective measure—is taking control.
Control Strategies You May Find Useful: Maintain Motivation
- Review. Examine the circumstances that led to the present situation you are in.
- Goal. Give yourself a reasonable and realistic timeline to reach the desired goal and then stick to it.
- Support Group. Working in a group rather than alone may prove to be more beneficial for sharing and exchanging information.
- Socialize. During an especially difficult time you may not feel like it, but spending time with friends and family is a great way to lift your spirit.
- Counseling. A professional can help you put things into perspective.
- Practice Self- Care; For example, exercise. This is especially crucial in trying times to help reduce stress and the risk of depression. Make time for yourself; it will help you deal with the issue more effectively.
Will you get past the adversity? Yes, you can! However, it may require a life balance adjustment with greater management and discipline. A financial setback, for example, may necessitate going on a short-term financial diet and limiting dining out to monthly rather than weekly to alleviate the financial hardship while at the same time improving your financial future.
My Control Test

Closing my eyes I tried walking forward only to find that I was moving sideways and not making much progress. Why? Simply put, I was not in control of my direction, I was afraid of falling and I needed to walk safely – to go forward. With my eyes open I could see the objects in my path – chairs and plants – and plan how to move past them.
This simple backyard experiment has taught me the invaluable lesson that focused and unwavering engagement are required prerequisites for me to stay in control so I am able to deal with any setbacks that life may bring.
Regardless of the adversity that confronts you, it’s important to stay in control and stay motivated. Do not allow a challenging situation to paralyze you into inaction! Maintain Motivation!
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