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Inspirational Words to Maintain a Positive Life

Engage Your Fear

“Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly.”

Robert Kennedy

people walking to class inspirational words maintain

The future is unknown but having the right attitude will help you maintain a positive outlook and allow you to face your challenges without fear. So, when life knocks you down, don’t stay down, get up and start again! Get your motor going, continue your journey and make your connection! Maintain a Positive Life!

Commit to Your Goal

skiing inspirational words maintain

Your journey may be rocky at times, the sand may shift beneath your feet and the road to your goal may seem long. Prepare with discipline and perseverance, and live your purpose. Maintain a positive life and leave positive footprints to help guide others to success!

Live Happiness

happy black couple inspirational words maintain

Many people from time to time forget to check their happiness meter. We don’t want to live a measured life but from time to time we need to re-fill and remind ourselves that happiness is our birthright! So, don’t run on empty, just one happy thought everyday will make a happier you. Your happiness will reach others and help to build a happier world. So, make today and everyday your happy day.

Here is a little nudge in the happiness direction, try the “Are You Happy” quiz by Dan Baker, Ph.D. Score 60 and above…you are considered happy! Maintain a Positive life!


 Mahatma Gandhi

Embrace Change

newspaper the world is changing inspirational words maintain

Change may not be easy to accept but it’s necessary in the workplace and in many areas of our personal lives. Workplace changes help businesses to improve their process which leads to improved products and services. Change allows us to experience new things, to learn and to grow. Positive change is possible when there is an understanding of the benefits and the opportunities that can be gained.

Protect and Promote Self

Treat your life like a precious gem. Know your value and apply your personal safety protocol to ensure that your physical and mental wellness is maintained.

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  1. Marvis Mathis

    Maintaining a positive attitude is very important, especially in the world we are living in today. Remember, one happy thought. 🙂

    • T

      Marvis, thanks for taking the time to comment on my post!

  2. Toni Jo

    Protect and Promote! Love it

    • T

      Toni, your feedback is motivating! Thank you!

  3. Dana

    This is so uplifting and inspiring! It’s common for all of us to spend our time thinking about what’s coming in the future or what happened in the past. If we live in the moment right now and be happy now in the present, we’ll notice a big difference in our mental health and happiness!

    • T

      Dana, so true! I appreciate your feedback.

  4. Marysa

    A positive outlook is such a wonderful thing. These are so inspirational and a great source of motivation.

    • T

      Thank you Marysa. You feedback encourages me.

  5. Charina Rasing

    These are very uplifting words for people who seek refuge and strength. Having a positive look on life is one of the most beautiful gifts of God.

    • T

      Charina, thank you for sharing, I appreciate your support!

  6. Monica Simpson

    I definitely need to get better at committing to my goals!

    • T

      Monica, Keep working at it! Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts with the community!

  7. Danielle

    I love all of these inspirational words!

    • T

      Danielle, thank you for your kind response!

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