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Life Is Your Sport, Play It Well!

Par For The Course

Life is Your Sport

On a daily basis, many people encounter challenges. Regardless of your line of work, challenges of every size will exist. The number of challenges you face may depend on the type of work you do and the position you hold. It’s important to manage challenges wisely since some can open doors to new perspectives and opportunities while others can be incredibly overpowering and cause distress. Your life is your sport, play well!

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Overcoming Obstacles – Life is Your Sport

When my son was young I took him to play miniature golf, he didn’t seem to notice the course’s obstacles, and gave the game his best effort. The holes he could not sink (get his ball into) he simply walked over to and with much joy placed his ball into the hole. For me as a parent that was an “oh my lord moment” as it was not the right way to play the game, but for him it was just a way to get beyond the obstacle. Life lesson…there are usually options available which will allow you to move beyond an obstacle. So, find the way around your obstacle, play well!

So, visualize your challenge as a round of golf. View your Course. Select your best Driver for launching your solution, choose your Iron for support, keep your Wedge nearby for the difficult moments along the course and select your Putter to sink your challenge; complete the solution. In case you missed my earlier post on personal power, you can read it here

Here are some things to keep in mind when facing your next challenge:

  1. Breathe. Don’t be impulsive. Take some time to consider the situation so you can make an informed decision
  2. Visualize Success. View the challenge as a temporary setback
  3. Be Confident. Lose the fear and be confident in the decision you make
  4. Initiate Action. Take your decision to the next level. Design a plan on how you will overcome the challenge, the tools you will need and how long it will take
  5. Allow room for error; we all make mistakes.
  6. Analyze. Be clear about what you need and don’t be hesitant to ask for help from others if you need it
  7. Life Lesson. Learn from the experience

Suggested Learning Support: You may find the free course Managing Happiness – “Happiness is within your control. Write your own ending” offered by Harvard Online School useful.

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  1. Dale

    Absolutely! Loved the golf analogy.

  2. Giovanni

    Super! It’s good to play golf.

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