Have you ever discovered a lesson about life in a commonplace action or object? Many people perform commonplace activities and utilize things repeatedly without giving it much thought. Just look around and you can find lessons in just about anything. Life Lesson.
This daily activity struck me as having valuable lessons in tenacity, perseverance, resilience and achieving success.
Things you may find useful on your journey:
Selfcare – https://amzn.to/46FzbYx
Home – https://amzn.to/3Q7XPvd
Food – https://amzn.to/3XNtoME
Rumbling Rumble

Daily the dented, aged and battered train makes its way into the station and off-board the passengers with what appears to be a signal of relief as its engine slows to a low rumble. The train does not stay for very long and after a few minutes it begins to slowly and carefully make its way out of the station. It leaves the station with lights flashing and steadily increases it speed until it is lost from sight. Seemingly bruised but it must carry-on and continue the journey of transporting people to their destination. It could never be accused of being derelict in its duty.
Life Rumble – Life Lesson

You will experience challenges and may have moments when you become stressed and feel overwhelmed. This is not a unique situation for a select few; every now and again stress of some kind affects us all. Some stressors may leave permanent scarring and become absorbed into our psyche as we learn and adapt to functioning with them. While others will only remain for a short time and are soon erased from memory.
Life is a lot like the old train, as we mature and assume more responsibilities in our personal and professional lives, dents – worrisome moments may occur and scars may form. Consider your scarring a part of your life process. Use the lessons learned from the experience to increase your knowledge and develop a heightened sense of life. Become like the old train – dented and battered – but resilient and determined, still going, doing its duty and completing the journey.
So, take care to continue your journey.
T’s Tip: Life Matters…You Matter!
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Coming Soon… My children’s book – Ducks In the Lake!