You may have heard the phrase “paying it forward” or acted on it yourself, but it is truly amazing to engage in an activity that is connected to the phrase. Without realizing it, you may have unknowingly paid it forward in ways such as, volunteering and contributing to philanthropic causes. My recent experience with this act of kindness touched me so deeply that it left me speechless and I usually don’t have trouble finding words!
Suggestions for introducing the act of kindness to children:
The Act – Paying It Forward

On a recent early morning trip to the store, the lady behind me told the cashier to put my bill on her tab. I wasn’t sure if the comment was directed at me at first, until the cashier gave me a confused look and seemed to be wondering what she should do.
I had my money in hand and was ready to pay so I refused her offer. As I turned to face her, I saw nothing except excitement and happiness in her eyes, so I gave in even though I had insisted she didn’t have to. She said “I have wanted to do this for a while and you didn’t have many items so it was the right time.”
How would this experience have made you feel? I felt uncomfortable and unsure of what to do next but left the store with a super warm feeling of gratitude!
Every little act of kindness has a ripple effect and creates a chain reaction. So, the money I would have spent on my store purchase went into the Salvation Army’s “red bucket”’ so I could also pay it forward for someone, somewhere.

Even if we don’t have money to give, we can still express kindness and love by serving others. So, let’s continue to pay it forward with kindness, compassion, love, empathy, and be the shoulder that others lean on when they wade through troubled waters. Paying it forward!
T’s Tip According to Henry Melvill: You cannot live for yourselves; a thousand fibers connect you with your fellow-men, and along those fibers, as along sympathetic threads, run your actions as causes, and return to you as effects.
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Enlarge your child’s world and imagination! Check out my children’s book Ducks in the Lake in the, and bookstores.
Kindness, love and care for others is a key to keep us going and do good things in the life
Being kind is simple as smiling with a stranger. You might not be aware how that smile greatly impacts that persons day. We all can be kind.