Celebrate History
“Black History is American History”
Barack Obama
The importance of celebrating black history is to recognize the struggles of the people who got us to where we are now and the celebration continues in recognition of the achievement of black innovation, greatness and excellence. I am black history!
Civil Rights Activists and Politicians
Let’s not forget the people who paved the way for many of us to enjoy the freedom we now know. The article on “The Reason Black History Month Is In February” is insightful and educational. It is a short history lesson on social change, civil rights and black history (Jean-Phillipe, 2021.) Most importantly, it highlights some of the stalwarts of the social change movement; Martin Luther King, Presidents Lincoln and Ford, Maya Angelou, Carter G. Woodson and Fredrick Douglass.
Africa to America
Let’s not forget our forefathers; Africans who were brought to the American states and sold as slaves. Slaves to work on plantation homes and in the fields. Remember their journey; it should never be forgotten. We celebrate their courage in standing up to oppression while facing adversity inorder to become agents for change. The celebration of their lives is a co-mingling of sadness and pride. I am black History!

“Great men cultivate love and only little men cherish a spirit of hatred; assistance given to the weak makes the one who gives it strong; oppression of the unfortunate makes one weak.”
Booker T. Washington
Let’s continue to live the words of the celebrated reggae artist Bob Marley, “emancipate ourselves from mental slavery and forward in this generation.” His expressions on slavery, freedom and love continue to be powerful messages across cultures globally. I am black history!
Books You May Enjoy:
The Darkest Child by Delores Philips: Tangy, being the darkest of her siblings, is mistreated by her light-skinned mother who thinks that she is ugly and not worthy of love.
Dreams from My Father: A Story of Race and Inheritance by Former President Barak Obama
Jean-Philippe, Mackenzie. The Reason Black History Month Is In February. Woman’s Day Magazine. February 6, 2021.
Redemption Song – Bob Marley, Renown Jamaican Reggae Artist
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Let’s no forget where we come from and cherish people who made history and fight for the future. We all matter and we make differences in the world by teaching our self and our children to be grateful.
True in every aspect. Thank you for sharing Valeriya!
No, we can never forget our history. I am black history!
Marvis, your response is appreciated!
Sucha a timely post, interesting and valuable. Thank you.
Very informative! I never totally knew what Black History is about until I’ve read this. Makes me appreciate Black History more. Thanks!
It is good to read about black history. It is interesting.