Entitlement and Selfishness

Who hasn’t met someone or knows someone who is too self-centered and entitled? Someone who thinks the entire world and everyone owes them everything? I heard your gasp, so I will assume that you have already met Mr. or Ms. Entitled, the acquaintance or relative, who never gives and if allowed, will take everything from you without regard for your feelings or rights. Doing the right thing is your moral responsibility!
Now, how do you respond to selfishness? Do you attempt to be selfish in return? As an example, seeing selfishness firsthand while using public transportation, offers a unique perspective into the world of entitlement and selfishness perpetuated by individuals who ought to know better. Too often, we witness a passenger on a bus or train with a bag or other object on an open seat, refusing to move it to make room for someone else.
Try this, the next time you use public transportation put others before yourself, imagine you are in their position, and treat selfishness with kindness. Remove your bag from the open seat and allow someone else to sit. No one who has paid for a seat should request a seat from another person or be forced to stand up because your bag requires a seat. Yes, you do have a right to a seat but you do not have the right to force others to stand up because you believe you are entitled to more than one seat.
Here are some suggestions that may help make your commute easier:
Narcissism In the Workplace – Do The Right Thing!

A small amount of narcissism is okay because it is comparable to a positive sense of self however, to effectively lead, take the idea of “do as I say and not as I do” out of your leadership approach. For instance, be present the next time when your team needs to rehearse an emergency exercise during a storm. Get rid of your superiority complex and adjust your actions to fit the occasion.
Supporting your team during challenging situations demonstrates great leadership and boosts morale among the workforce. True team spirit is displayed by leaders who stick with their group no matter what. Always keep in mind that a team consists of We, not of You or Me.
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T’s Tip: Life matters, we all matter and kindness is good!
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