Human beings depend on each other for their continued existence, including their success, prosperity, and health. The way I see us.
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The Way I See Us
I have had the pleasure of knowing some incredibly kind people as well as some quite unpleasant individuals.
There are people you may run across who are willing and eager to help at the drop of a hat. Consider the young man Chris, for example, who offered his assistance during an emergency and carried my bag down fourteen flights of stairs. He patiently waited for me at the bottom of the stairwell and smilingly handed me my bag then quickly left to re-join the members of his unit.
In contrast, there are the Kitty Genovese Syndrome personalities of the 21st century who demonstrate an attitude of indifference to anyone in distress. While others would take advantage of any situation or person as long as it served their interest.
Based on the work of Jung, Myers and Briggs people can be categorized into four personality’s groups: extraversion or introversion, sensing or intuition, thinking or feeling and judging or perceiving. Interestingly, we all display characteristics from each category.
People with an attitude of indifference may be ISTP type personalities – introverted, sensing, thinking and perceiving. Additionally, moral law implies that despite the fact that their actions may appear harsh and self-serving, they are acting in a way they perceive to be morally appropriate for them.
It is important to note that not all mean people are bad people. Sometime, it is just a matter of circumstances so let’s remove our moralistic judgment and instead try to understand what is driving an action or behavior.
Lest We Forget

We sometimes forget how to truly live and how much we all eventually grow to depend on each other. We sometimes lose sight of what it means to care for, help and share with others. So, let’s step back a bit and pay attention to the people around us and help where and when we can as we all contribute to the whole for a better world both locally and globally.
Personally, whenever I start to doubt the humanity of my fellow humans, I immediately recall Chris’ act of kindness, which reinforces my belief that we are, in reality, our brother’s keeper. The way I see us!
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