To conduct any type of activity you need to be fit, mentally and physically….right?
It’s important that we maintain a balance between work and pleasure. To enjoy a successful job search, your mental and physical states must be in good condition and work in unison!
Yes, it’s good to demonstrate dedication to a task but it’s foolhardy to allow yourself to become consumed by the task…lose your balance!
Start your wellness journey by making a wellness contract with yourself it will help you to achieve your goal. Next, develop a daily movement program, your mind and body will thank you for it! If you haven’t moved for a while, make sure you are cleared by your doctor to move and start with small steps!
Maintain a journal of your daily wellness activities. I have personally used a daily fitness and nutrition journal to document my daily activities and found that it helped me to stay motivated and stay on track! You can find many of these journals online or in your neighborhood store. They are easy to use and most allow detailed tracking of your wellness activities. For those who may not like the idea of a book, they also come in electronic format. A simple notebook, just like the one your child uses for his/her homework, will do too!
Smart-watches are also good ways of keeping track of your wellness activities and monitoring health concerns such as hypertension. Many of these types of watches can be paired with your smartphone to maintain the history of your activity. Check your health insurance plan, some plans include free wellness programs… make use of it!
Work and play must co-exist in the same place!

Here are a few things I enjoy and you may too!
“Music hath charms to soothe the savage beast”
William Congreve
Therefore, when there is that sense of turmoil, take a moment to enjoy the vocals of your favorite artist and if you are so inclined, dance! Dancing is fun, you will feel better and your thoughts will be clearer, I promise! You got it right…dancing is one of my favorite daily movements! Pair music with walking and you have yourself a winner!
Yoga, oh yoga! It’s a full body work-out. It calms, it strengthens, it relaxes and for those who are trying to de-fluff, you may experience some calorie burn!
Pick up that book that you may have wanted to read for a long time but didn’t think you had to time to do so. A good one to start with is “Becoming” the memoir of former First Lady Michelle Obama…this is my Cinderella story, enjoy! Another interesting book is “Steve Jobs” by Walter Isaacson…this will give you an insight into the life of the co-founder of Apple….very interesting!
Hey, you don’t need to become the next Usain Bolt (Jamaican Olympic Sprinter), your goal is simply to enjoy and maintain a well, balanced lifestyle.
T’s tip: Commit to refreshing your mind and body daily.
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Yes! Totally agree with these great tips!! Loving it!!
It’s also a good way to connect with people who can help you to achieve your career goals.
The community welcomes your feedback RenLa! Thank you!
Great tips for physical and mental wellness! It is so important to put some of these tips in practice!! We all need it!
Welcome Natasha! Thanks for your feedback!
Great tips!
Thanks for your feedback DE!
Perfect! Excellent points and suggestions. Especially in these times we it’s so easy to just give up. Always remember to put yourself on your daily ‘to do’ list.
Thank you Annette!
More useful suggestions for folks starting or changing careers.
Keep it up!
Thanks for your feedback Pamela!
Fitness = health = self confidence = determination to succeed = SUCCESS!
Thank you Everton! Stay tuned for part 2 of this topic!
If you are not healthy physically, your work will suffer
Angela, I appreciate your feedback!
These are all great tips and if you are feeling your best you will for sure perform your best no matter what you do 😉 Thank you for this fabulous post!
Hi Melissa, your feedback warms my heart. Thank you!
These are really great! It is best to have a well maintained life.
Stephanie, thank you for reading my blog!
We need to be mentally fit as we are physically fit. It works hand in hand. I agree with the points mentioned.
Thank you for your feedback Emman!