Body Image

Have you ever heard the phrase “body image” ? Do you know what it means? Simply, it is our mind’s view of our ourselves; how we perceive ourselves, our relationship with our bodies and how we view our physical appearance. Body Positivity: Promoting Self Love!
Loving the perfect and the imperfect you indicate that you have a great relationship with your body. How we view ourselves can affect our relationships and can even determine our level of success in life.
Family Matters

Let us start teaching our children to love themselves from a young age. Criticizing their appearance destroys self-confidence. Instead, compliment, applaud, and reward as often as possible. Create an environment that makes our children feel good about themselves. Children live what they learn so expressing positive body image allows them to emulate the positivity that emanates from us.
For example, I quite often hear the phrase “good hair and bad hair”-STOP! Everyone is different so most of us will all have different types of hair texture that is rooted in our different ethnicities and genealogy. Teaching our children how to love themselves, care for others and to be positive in their reaction to those who are different will help prepare them for our diverse world.
Weight Stigma

Our cultural environment and the role our caregivers play in our lives can have an impact on how we view weight. Growing up in my native country, the thought by many was that one was “fat and nice” if they had a few extra pounds and “mawga” (meager) -not well , if you were slim.
During my childhood years, I was very slim so I guess you can imagine how badly I was thought of by some. Of course, this did bring about feelings of inadequacy from time to time but thankfully, not lasting ones. Having a few extra pounds does not mean you are healthy nor does being slim. You can be healthy at any size so, lets focus on our overall wellness and receiving the respect we deserve.
Experiencing negative emotions about your body image? Check out the journal “The Gift of Self- Love” by Mary Jelkovsky; its is a great way to help you organize your emotions and boost your self-esteem.
Body Neutrality
This is the happy medium where one accepts one’s body as is. It’s the place where one is neither positive nor negative about their body image. Here is what you can do on a day when you are feeling less than positive about your body, practice selfcare with Dove “the home of real beauty”. Dove has great products for both women and men that can help you to create a great exhilarating and relaxing personal spa moment. Additionally, the company also has a great self-esteem project with resources for parents and mentors. Enjoy!
T’s Tip: Remove negative thoughts and live in your beauty!
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Yes ! Great infor! I need to practice that I’m my worse critic! Thanks!
Renla, thank you for taking the time and for being the first to to comment on my post!
This is so very important especially for kids who are bombarded with all kinds of stereotypical images…
Thank You Giovanni!
Sharon, I am glad to you feel that way. Lets continue to help our children to remain body positive! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you for this reminder! I agree with you it is okay to accept our body as is. Love this campaign from Dove. It is such a great help for all women who are struggling right now with low self-esteem.
I have sons, but I do really feel that body positivity is super important even for boys! Thank you for this.