Thanksgiving festivities take place in the Fall season, a time when the weather changes to a cooler period of the year and the landform dresses itself in a wonderful spectrum of colors. This stunning artwork of nature sets the stage for the Thanksgiving celebration. Give thanks for the earth’s great beauty and generosity. Celebrate Good Fortune!
Thanksgiving Gift Ideas:
For the Host: https://amzn.to/3g5PB73
Kids: https://amzn.to/3hKOZV3
Friend: https://amzn.to/3Eq3Ywn
For Anyone: https://amzn.to/3X1BHDq
Many people will take a break from their regular activities and gather with friends and family to give thanks. The thanksgiving celebration dates back to the 1600’s when the colonists – Pilgrims – made their home in America. Their journey to America was long and dangerous, and many of the colonists died. To make matters worse, the colonists did not know how to supplement their diet and only after being taught by the Native Americans how to farm the land and find food, were they able to survive. They staged festivals to mark their first prosperous harvest and over time this developed into a custom that is today known as Thanksgiving.
Serve To Share – Celebrate Good Fortune

As you gather for your celebration, pause for a moment to think about those who are alone, without family, have lost loved ones, or may have lost hope. Observe others who are less fortunate around you and be thankful for your life. Extend your joy and thankfulness beyond your table and share a plate with someone who doesn’t have one. Thanksgiving is much more than just having a great meal, it’s about gratitude. It’s about living and sharing, helping those who are not able to help themselves, lifting others up, being the voice of the voiceless and being thankful that you have the ability to do so.
T’s Tip: Life Matters…You Matter!
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Thanksgiving Blessings to everyone …
Please stay safe.
We usually invite someone over for our meal that for whatever reason won’t normally have one. This year I didn’t find anyone though.
Thanksgiving is a wonderful time to be grateful! Count your blessings since there are always others who are less fortunate.
I hope everyone had a blessed Thanksgiving. and I wish many more blessings to come for everyone this holiday season.
It always helps to reflect on your circumstances. I always feel better and realize it’s not as bad as I thought.
Thank you for this beautiful reminder. I agree with you that it is about living and sharing and not just a beautiful meal. Thank you for inspiring us to do so much more.
I know a woman who cooked a turkey and all the fixings and delivered it to a family who couldn’t afford to celebrate the holiday. I thought that was amazing and very touching. Just how Thanksgiving should be.
I am thankful for all that I have every day of the year, giving back in any way we can helps show that!
I think that holidays are a good occasion to observe less fortunate and do something nice and useful for them!
I cooked up a storm for my family and in laws and I absolutely love it! Thanksgiving is one of my favorite times of the year 🙂
There is always something to be thankful for everyday. But I always look forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with good food and good company.
Such an amazing and great way to celebrate this Holiday season! I totally loved it!
It is good to have gratitude and appreciate the things we have – and to pass kindness and generosity along.
I am so agree with you! Happy thanksgiving to you all!!