Soon a new school year will start and many young adults will leave home for college. Some for the first time, while others are returning to campus life to complete their degree program. With this in mind I have offered some advice that you might find helpful to successfully navigate your academic journey. College Life!
College is an impactful activity in many people’s lives. Many people make their career decisions during this time. It lays the foundation for a career and helps in identifying the path that leads to professional success and a meaningful life.
Things you may find useful in college:
Caddy –
Power –
Bag –
Cooling Pad-
College Freshman – School Days

- Time Management. Stay organized and purposeful in your actions and tasks, you will be more relaxed and be able to stay on top of things.
- Stress Management. Studying can be challenging, so be aware of your physical and emotional health and know when to seek assistance.
- Money. Be smart with your money, spend wisely. Rent text books instead of buying them.
- Socialize. Enjoy yourself, but remain focused and keep in mind why you are there.
- Orientation. The majority of colleges host orientation programs to help you navigate your way around campus, locate lecture halls, and get a feel for your surroundings. Attend the sessions; you’ll find them to be very useful and enlightening. If you are an international student, it is especially helpful.
- Connections. Get to know the campus happenings and make connections by attending career fairs and the fairs directed at your desired industry as an underclassman.
- Homesickness. In the initial weeks, missing home is normal. Call home or make an outing with family or friends. A weekend visit home is great too!
College Senior

- You got this!
- Stay the course. Check in on your academic progress. Ask for extra credit where you may need one or two to complete your course.
- Begin you job search in the fall of your senior year of college. Don’t wait until you graduate.
More on the college experience …
Yes, it may be difficult to see them leave home. But hey…they are off to start a fantastic life! You are no longer leading the way (Elementary / Middle School Years) or walking beside them (High School Years), you are now walking behind them (College Years). Your college student now leads the way into his or her adult life however; they will occasionally need you, so take the initiative and keep an eye on things from the sidelines.
Yes, you can do it! You got this too!
In case you missed this …
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Launching soon, my children’s book Ducks In the Lake – Enlarge your child’s world and imagination!
Excellent advice, will recommend to nieces who are preparing for college.