Too much – Flood

As Earth Week comes to a close I reflect on the recent weather activity in my neck of the woods. The extreme flooding brought on by the weather phenomena that prevented me from leaving my home for a few days. I was indeed humbled by the power of the water. The roads became impassable; there was more water than residents could handle. The precious resource on which we all rely for life giving necessities eventually became a destructor of life and property. Earth Day- The Water Challenge !
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We need water for food – to grow crops and feed livestock, and for hygiene – to keep ourselves and our communities clean. Without this precious resource humans would not survive, we would fall prey to starvation and disease. Water; we need to use some, must save some and develop ways that will allow the remainder to safely replenish and renew the earth.
Too Little – Drought

While some areas flourish there are other areas that are struggling with drought conditions. According to; by the year 2050, 6/10 people will be impacted worldwide by water scarcity crisis. Wow… I immediately thought of two places, Australia and California who continually struggle to fight water scarcity conditions, experience extensive dry periods and are ravaged by wildfires. Too little water – drought!
However, even when the weather seems to working against us, we must still respect the gifts of Mother Earth and treasure what we have received. We are all accountable for protecting its resources on which our existence depends.
Water Conservation – Earth Day Challenge
Some things we can do at home to conserve the precious commodity:
- Turn off the tap when not in use, for example when brushing your teeth
- Take shorter showers
- Use only what you need; for example, don’t boil four cups of water to make one cup of hot beverage
- Fix leaks quickly; your wallet will love you!
- Only use the washing machine and dishwasher when you have a full load
- Teach children to conserve
Some things communities and business can do to conserve and protect the environment:
- Educate employees on water conservation by sending friendly reminders
- Landscape and clean up efficiently; don’t push leaves and other trash into drain systems. Pick it up!
- Recycle; use harvested rain – lake / pond- water for irrigation
- Develop more green spaces; plant more trees to reduce the risk of soil erosion during heavy rainfall
- Dispose of harmful material such as pesticide properly so it does not get into ground water
Remember, water is a valuable resource and we must conserve and keep some in reserve! Have a great Earth Day!
Earth.Org Fact – An estimated 1800 gallons of water go into a single pound of beef. With that much water you could take 105 eight minute showers a day!
T’s Tip: Life Matters…You Matter!
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