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Happy Father’s Day: Being A Father Matters

Nuclear Family

being a father family

The first time I heard the phrase “nuclear family” it was from my son when he was very young and I was clueless as to its origin.  So, I set out to find out what it meant. A nuclear family is one which has both parents living in the same household. This concept leads me to Fathers Day…a day that some may enjoy and celebrate, but many others may not because they did not grow up in a nuclear family or because their father is not present in their lives. Being A Father Matters.

Here are some Father’s Day gift ideas you may like:

The Challenge

construction worker and his son

According to the Fatherless statistics, 17.4 million children in the United States live in fatherless homes. The research also indicated that the absence of fathers have similar negative effects on both girls and boys. Parents have a significant impact on our lives, including how we work, how we live and how we raise our children. Unfortunately, situations like divorce may present challenges, but fathers are not exempt from their parenting responsibilities.

Even if the family structure changes, co-parenting is still crucial because both parents are equally responsible for raising their children. Women often become fully responsible for their children’s development and safety in many single-parent households.

Father’s Day: Being A Father Matter!

baby hand in bigger hand

My father is no longer living but still I remember him on this special day. My father and I never had a close relationship, divorce got in the way, but strangely, I still miss him somehow. So, on Father’s Day, like many others before, I am reflective as I consider how different things may have been if he had been in my life. I remember him with kindness and sadness for our lost journey. I wished I could have really gotten to know my father; my dad, my papa, mon pere. I miss the man who was my father. Being A Father Matters.

Wishing all dads a Happy Fathers Day!

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  1. Marvis Mathis

    Oh so true. My father passed away a few years ago. So, in honor of my father and all the fathers out there. Happy Father’s Day!

  2. Valeriya Devyatkina

    I miss my dad too even he was not a good man but he was my Dad.

  3. Giovanni

    It should be called Happy Daddy’s Day instead of Happy Father’s Day. A father is a man who donates his sperm and Dads goes and beyond the call of duty. My Heavenly Father is in Heaven and my biological father has passed away.

  4. Dale

    True- Happy Father’s Day!

  5. Ren

    Happy Father’s Day to all – deserving and undeserving!

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