In April the world celebrated Earth Day, how did you celebrate the Day? Maybe you planted some flowers, a tree or tended to the environment in some other meaningful way. The actions of many are encouraging however; we can do so much more to protect our planet. Our mental and physical wellbeing is increased when we have a healthy environment. Protect our other mother…Earth!
Some years ago, I took an earth science quiz and was shocked when the results revealed that my carbon footprint was excessive and living like I did would require multiple earths! Ditching my car and taking the bus to work, and recycling did help but it was not enough! There was more that I could do to protect Mother Earth! Watching my son arm himself with garbage bags and gloves, and head out to clean the beach on a Saturday morning taught me that I needed to be inclusive…my community matters too! Oh, there is so much we can learn from our children!
“We need joy as we need air, We need love as we need water, We need each other as we need the earth we share”
Maya Angelou
So, I pushed my GO button and became more deliberate in my food choices, household appliances, reducing my dependency on plastic and supporting the efforts of others to save Mother Earth. This conscious effort delivered the opportunity to visit the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, Florida. I was shocked and heartbroken by the stories of the turtles in their care, the lucky ones that they were able to rescue. The turtles had broken shells and had lost flippers as a result of getting caught in boat propellers. Some had injuries from plastic bottles and drinking straws that had become lodged in their throats and around their necks. Sadly, not all the turtles that were rescued survived. Therefore, let’s commit to not only taking care of our personal space but also taking care of our environment. Our children will thank us for doing such, …reduce your carbon footprint!
Support Reading: Let’s improve our environmental wellness and work to make Mother Earth, a cleaner and safer place! Check out more earth day information at https://www.earthday.org/
Learning Support: You may find this short course on Planet Earth…And You offered by the University of Illinois useful.
T’s-Tip: Be a doer…be attentive to Mother Earth!
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We have to protect the only home we have. I agree.
Our planet…our home, thank you for sharing Everton!
Discovering our individual carbon foot print can be alarming and a start towards reducing our environmental impact. We can expect to see major changes with respect to environmental protection across the globe in the coming years so we need to prepare for some unexpected changes, especially those that will hit our wallets.
Thank you for sharing Thurston!
I am happy to learn that Louraine is bringing awareness to educate people to make the planet a better way for a healthier place to live.
Thank you for joining the conversation Giovanni!