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Think Globally But Act Locally  Perspective

Consider Everything Globally

Think globally, Act locally” is a phrase I would often use in my past job to close my Information Security / training sessions. It served as a reminder that whatever we did locally had global implications and emphasized how important the team’s work was to the community.

Men And Women Holding Hands Around  A World Globe Think Globally

The mindset promotes a sense of responsibility for both local and global well-being, recognizing that small actions contribute to larger outcomes. What we do in our small space – office or country – can have a profound effect on the lives of people in other parts of the world. 

Support for environmental conservation :

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New Year – Your Vision, Your Future


In a general sense, a vision is our ability to see or perceive things; how we see ourselves in the future or how we would like things to be in the future. Some may also say that it is a precognition of something completely new and different happening. Your vision!

Things you may find useful in the new year:

Your Life –

Wellness –

Child Education –

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The Fall Shift In Life – New Changes

The change in seasons from summer to autumn marks the beginning of the holiday season for many people. Leaves falling from trees, shorter days, and colder weather are all part of this transition. For me, the best part about the changing of the seasons is the brilliant warm colors of red, brown, and yellow of the leaves on the trees. Yes, the party has begun; the trees appear to be preparing for Thanksgiving in their finest attire!

Gifts for you to enjoy:

Women –

Home –

Men –

Children –

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Happiness At Every Stage Of Life Is Your Right

I believe we all want to be happy – it is an innate desire that most people pursue daily and may require making choices that support the desire. How we respond to life’s challenges and changes also has an impact on our level of happiness.

Happiness is subjective and an individual experience and what makes one person happy may not make another happy. For example, one individual may derive pleasure from something as simple as listening to their favorite song, while another may find greater fulfillment from something more involved such as, going on vacation.

Happy Gift Suggestions:

Warm gift –

Self-Care –

Family –

Children –

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Trending Jobs In A Changing World

Trending Jobs. According to research, computer-related job opportunities will continue to be in high demand for the future. Because, as we move forward into a more connected digital environment, how businesses supply services, how we maintain our homes, and how we work will place greater emphasis on digital technology. This suggests that as worldwide technology demand grows, so will the demand for jobs in software engineering, systems engineering, and computer systems administration.

Tech gifts for any and everyone:

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How to Maintain Motivation In Adversity

Hard Time

Maintain Motivation Man Playing Chess

No, I’m not thinking about imprisonment; instead, I’m thinking about challenging circumstances or ongoing difficulties. Depending on one’s emotional wellness and ability to resolve difficult situations or challenges, a difficult time for one person may not be the same for another. Maintain Motivation.

Happy deals that can help you stay motivated:

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Make The Best Decision For You

The Deep Hole

I came across a poem by Portia Nelson in my reading and it forced me to pause and reflect for a moment—okay, maybe a few moments. Make the best decision!

She gives us a peek into her life in these five short chapters of her biography:

  1. I walk down the street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I fall in. I am lost… I am helpless. It isn’t my fault. It takes forever to find a way out.
  2. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I pretend l don’t see it. I fall in again. I can’t believe I am in the same place. It isn’t my fault. It still takes a long time to get out.
  3.  I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I see it is there, I still fall in… It’s habit. My eyes are open, I know where I am. It’s my fault. I get out immediately.
  4. I walk down the same street. There is a deep hole in the sidewalk. I walk around it.
  5. I walk down another street.

For some people the deep hole may represent a bad relationship, toxic workplace, financial or other setback.

Books you may find useful:

Women –


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