Trending Jobs. According to research, computer-related job opportunities will continue to be in high demand for the future. Because, as we move forward into a more connected digital environment, how businesses supply services, how we maintain our homes, and how we work will place greater emphasis on digital technology. This suggests that as worldwide technology demand grows, so will the demand for jobs in software engineering, systems engineering, and computer systems administration.
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Computer Science Technology – Trending Jobs

Due to the increasing threats to computer data, cyber security and information security have become two high-demand areas of the job market. Having previously worked as a Business Information Security officer, I can attest to the enormous responsibilities required to preserve and ensure that the confidentiality of sensitive information is always maintained.
Securing data and decreasing the risk of network exploitation or security breaches are top priorities for today’s businesses. It has become a never-ending struggle to remain one-step ahead of hackers whose goal is to phish, brute-force attack and deploy viruses to computer systems.
For those who are still deciding on a career path or changing careers, here are a few other sectors with high predicted job growth thru 2030 that you may want to explore:
Health Services

According to Robert Half review, the demands in the healthcare sector continue to be high and the industry is facing the challenge of finding skilled talent. Examples of high demand roles are nurses, home healthcare aides, pharmacy technicians and health service administrators.
We rely on healthcare staff for support with our health issues and overall wellbeing. During the COVID 19-pandemic a few years ago, this dependency was clearly proven.
Environmental – Trending Jobs

With the growing need to safeguard our planet from global warming, there has been a rise in the need for environmental jobs in waste management and recycling, alternative energy, and research.
The high demand continues for both teachers and administrators.
Heads–up to those preparing to enter the workforce: the workplace is constantly changing and it is important to stay current on trends and possibilities.
Those currently in the workforce may want to enhance their technical skills and participate in continuing education to keep pace with the job trends. Good places to find free online courses are Harvard University and Cornell University Online schools.
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